Sunday, June 15, 2008

PROJECT3# examples of artists artworks to be displayed

an example of graffiti art that could be interchanged on the tall courtyard walls

video projection art that involve commical cartoons
small intimate graphic designs that only require a small scaled room.
bizarre sewn sculptures displayed in the MTV gallery

hanging light installations from the melbourne laneway exhibitions (every year artists are selected to create alternative artworks that are displayed in the small lanes of melbourne CBD. they are typically street art or abstract installations)


Kris Magi said...

Although living in India, I have a beautiful Victorian house in central Nottingham, UK. As in all inner city areas, I have the untalented graffitti artiste decorating my external walls.

If I could identify them I would point them in the direction of the very graceful artwork that you have shown here!

Personally, I would then have no objection as it adds beauty to something plain and ordinary (my white garage door!).

DelMo said...

I'm loving all of these.