Saturday, June 14, 2008

PROJECT3# Site Pictures - King St Newtown

plan view of the site as it is bordered by the two other buildings

the building i am proposing to remove is the st george bank

the facades of the bordering buildings are beautiful, elegant and tall compared to the short and unrefined facade of the bank. However i do like the contrast between the heights as i feel you can read a relationship between the openings on the outside of the tall buildings, and the height of the bank.

This is an interesting view i found when exploring the street opposite that leads to King St. I really like the way that the building is framed by the others around it and it is such a shame to see such an ugly building at the end of such a lovely visual passageway.

1 comment:

Kris Magi said...

I agree with you Lauren. However, looking down the street opposite I feel that a different roof structure would complement to the view and enhance the experience.

A convex roof acting as an archway between the two buildings on either side would give the feeling of synchronicity and linkage between the two spaces.

Just a thought.